As we communicate with people through the course of our days, we impact lives by the words that we speak.
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. Proverbs 15:4
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21
In America, we have set aside a special day for all individuals and families to celebrate the bounty of our country and the freedom to enjoy it. There is tradition involved in this celebration, from the type of meal we set out, to the clothes we wear, to who it is we share the meal and day with. We call it Thanksgiving.
Yet, in so many instances, the day and traditions have become empty of meaning and long-term value. Many do not even partake of the act of giving thanks before they devour the spread of food before them, eager to return to the second half of the game or to get the kitchen clean and the leftovers put away. And then, it is over, to be repeated again next year with even less meaning or value.
It is the law of Diminishing Returns. Sadly, some now look forward to the day after thanksgiving for the sales even more then the day itself.
An example from my own life follows…