An Empty Vessel

In order to give thanks, one must first recognize that a gift has been given. All of life is a gift, whether we recognize it or not.
Every aspect and facet of life has come from something other than our own doing. We are incapable of sustaining or crating life of any kind on our own. The degree to which we recognize and accept this fact determines the potential level to which we will rise in our giving of thanks.

The words thank you are spoken or written by millions of people every day. It is an important part of our social language and structure to express and to receive thanks as we work and live together in this amazing country on this awesome planet.

These two words have the power to lift a heart or, if omitted, can infuriate a soul. As a people, we are dependent on each others’ abilities, gifts, and services in the building and sustaining of our lives and livelihood.