Do you love trees? I love every single kind of tree. I remember wandering through a grove of redwoods when I was young and being in awe of their massive size and the fact they have been alive for hundreds of years. Everyone should have the chance to visit the redwoods once in their life. The experience can leave you without the proper words to describe. It is humbling to compare the life of a 2,000 year old tree to my short existence on this amazing earth.

And do you know what else struck me as awesome? The strength of their root system to hold them tall and proud every day, no matter the power of the storms that come their way. Roots are a necessity for all plants and trees if they are to stand and endure what life brings them. And then to realize that this tree above me and the roots beneath have all come from the tiniest of seeds. It staggers the imagination.

 Have you ever watched a slow motion video of seeds sprouting? It is fun for kids to put a kernel of corn or a sunflower seed in a glass with the seed between two wet paper towels. In just a couple of days a new root cracks open the seed and heads downward to the moist towel looking for a place to anchor itself. The dual purpose of the root is to anchor the plant and then to find nourishment in the soil.

Like giant redwoods, we as people need roots in our lives if we are to stand tall in the face of strong winds and all manner of testing of our hearts. In all of my several decades of living on this beautiful planet, I cannot remember such a time of testing as this corona virus has brought to all of us. The virus has brought confusion, frustration and at times, anger as we look for answers and direction as to how to deal with it on a daily basis. It is an invisible enemy and we are having to put our trust in the decisions of people we do not know.

I, for one, am so very thankful that I have put my ultimate confidence in the Hands of the One who does have all the answers. My roots are growing deep within the Rock of ages, keeping me strong during my confusion and frustration. I have great confidence we will overcome this virus season and become stronger for the testing it has brought to us as a nation and as individuals. 

Study has shown that as storms blow a tall tree, the roots respond by growing bigger and stronger. Kind of like us working out to strengthen our muscles. God has given us many examples to learn from in nature so we might respond with stronger roots for the next testing of our hearts. I encourage all to sink roots into the One who stayed strong during His time of testing when He walked on this same earth. Stay strong, people, we will come through this…